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WALBY >>> Gemeinsam gestalten wir die Welt!

WALBY >>> Gemeinsam gestalten wir die Welt!

Gastvortrag mit Axel Steinkuhle DO, 23.Mai 2024 um 15:00 Uhr in L 3.03

Walby: Bridging Digital Innovations and Nature in a 23-Year Journey

Gastvortrag mit Axel Steinkuhle

DO, 23.Mai 2024 um 15:00 Uhr in L 3.03

In this session, I'll delve into the journey of Walby, a platform that harmonizes digital innovation and the natural world to enhance our lives. My expedition started with a thesis on decentralized artificial intelligence, leading to the establishment of two digital companies and my current position as CEO of drop2space GmbH. This 23-year odyssey has been propelled by the conviction that digital advancement, ingenuity, and social duty are intertwined. Walby exemplifies this philosophy, demonstrating how digital instruments can deepen our bond with the planet and inspire beneficial transformations.

Host: Prof. Robert Rose


Interaktive Medien

Art des Projekts

Keine Angabe

Zugehöriger Workspace

A V Gestaltung IA | C | SoSe24


Sommersemester 2024